There are two different types of cannabis; Sativa and Indica. Both are commonly used and each serve different purposes, medicinally and recreationally. These cannabis species have different characteristics in terms of growing process, amount of production, flavor, aroma and overall effects after consumption.
Growing Process
Sativa is a subspecies of the cannabis plant that tends to grow tall with thin airy leaves that have a growing period of 10 to 12 weeks. Sativa plants are originally grown in more tropical environments meaning they are better equipped for high humidity levels. Sativa plants are more fragile as their leaves are thin, long and light green which requires higher temperatures and a longer period of time to embellish and flower.
Indica, the other subspecies of the cannabis plant tends to grow wide with short busier leaves that have a growing period of 8 to 10 weeks. They are able to handle temperature fluctuations very well, making it the easier species to grow in environments with seasonal changes. Indica plants develop wide, dark green leaves and flourish and flower quickly. They ultimately produce a plethora of dense buds.

Photo credits to Sasha Beck from Leafly
The sativa strains have a more sweet and fruity taste and smell and tend to exhibit green leaves that are lighter in color. Sativa plants are known to be uplifting and euphoric, while providing a “head high”. Consumers tend to gravitate towards sativa strains as their choice for daytime usage as it is said to enhance productivity and creativity and is very focus driven.
Sativa strains are ideal for those consumers that are looking for a boost of energy to be able to tackle tasks they have to complete. The increased serotonin levels can simultaneously boost one’s mood and happiness while reducing anxiety and stress for those who may be suffering with depression. Some other effects include enhanced appetites, reducing fatigue and helping those who deal with ADD/ADHD.
Understanding personal tolerance and consume responsibly is key. Sativa strain consumption side effects may include affect on memory, increased heart rate, dry mouth.
The Indica strains have a more musty and earthy taste and smell, and tend to exhibit darker green leaves. Indica plants are used for a “body high” experience, making the consumer more mellow and calm. Ideally the Indica strain is more of a nighttime preference as it allows the individual to unwind after a busy day of work. It is associated with the feeling of high sedation and deep relaxation, and is ideally for those who just want to temporarily forget about all their problems and worries.
Indica strains tend to help with pain, inflammation, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Found to be highly beneficial for patients with arthritis, fibromyalgia and many other conditions.
As with Sativa, understanding personal tolerance and consuming responsibly is key. Consumption of Indica strains may cause dizziness, headaches, paranoia and drowsiness.
Choosing the right strain can be overwhelming due to the large variety of cannabis strains. When discovering what is most suitable, consider the desired effects and the conditions that you may want to treat, while also considering the flavors and aromas that are most enjoyable.
Over time, experimenting with different strains will help you determine what you enjoy most, as well as which strain what best suits your lifestyle.